Meet FlowCell and Get the Ultimate Lean Manufacturing Workstation Checklist

In this guide, you will discover FlowCell, a modular flow rack solution. Learn what it is, who it's for, and the advantages of implementing this durable, portable system.
This flexible, ergonomic solution supports Lean principles and is proven to:
- Increase space utilization by up to 50%
- Boost production efficiency by up to 30%
- Minimize reaching and reduce injury
- Ensure FIFO inventory rotation
As a bonus, you'll gain access to The Ultimate Lean Manufacturing Workstation Checklist! We've studied thousands of assembly operations and know what makes the world's top facilities efficient. Use our comprehensive 7-step checklist to increase efficiency across your operation!
Meet FlowCell, a Modular Flow Rack Solution from UNEX, and Get The Ultimate Lean Manufacturing Checklist. Download the guide today!